Why you should automate events in (almost every) organization.

In companies and everywhere else process are made upon sometimes less, and sometimes many smaller processes at which end lies a result. Like cogs inside of a watch they move the clock by working together.

Sometimes processes are hidden in plain sight, even where you'd not expect them at first. One can say that basically everything that has a dependency on another component of sorts, is a part process or sub process.

What comes to mind when mentioning the abstract term of "processes", are usually machinery related or associated with complex procedures, but even the social interaction between two persons, let's say located in purchase and book keeping is a process, which can also be recreated digitally.  


The warehouse reports to the purchasing department that packaging materials are missing. The purchasing assistant knows immediately what to do: Order new packaging material from a well-known supplier to the company.

There are already three obvious dependencies and processes hidden inside.

  1. Someone outside of the warehouse is dependent upon enough packaging material residing in storage
  2. The warehouse utilization is dependent upon the communication between warehouse staff, the purchasing department and employees from step 1
  3. The purchasing assistant is dependent of the package material supplier

One can think of other additional stations not mentioned here having unknown dependencies to others.

For example, if it is a manufacturing company that, for the sake of simplicity, produces only a single product, the interaction of purchasing, manufacturing, packaging, selling and shipping the product can be viewed as the main process. The result here is the successful deployment of the product on the market.

Where is the benefit of mapping processes digitally?

The success or failure of a company is mainly determined by its competitiveness. A big factor here is time.

The lower the time required to reach a result, the higher the productivity.

Digitally mapping processes saves a lot of time for all concerned. The optimization factor is great, because the workload decreases as soon as always running sub-processes are left to the machine. In the same way, this means that sub-processes "know" about their dependencies on others.

Of course, you should not directly aspire to become a 100% digital company. In many areas and industries, this idea is fiction and faith rather than a real (and meaningful) goal. In principle, however, so much can already be optimized and left to your digital employee.

Ultimately, it's all about being able to deliver your best possible result as ideally as possible.

@LOGIT Systems. Solutions. we help small and medium-sized enterprises regarding this. We analyze and optimize processes with the help of digital systems, fitting to its respective business purpose and goal.